Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Can you guess what it is yet ?

Yes it's not difficult is it ?.........Three beauties ....Thanks to Jenny and Carol....x


  1. Ooh gosh, very nice, a fiddle base transverse shuttle with mother of pearl... and another transverse shuttle and more mother of pearl (I can hear the swearing already as you try and work out the bobbin winder)... and a trusty old 28K. Get you Mrs.
    Frister and Rossmann in the middle?
    Love Muv

  2. I knew what it was!!! Oh, I am so good. Bwahhhhahaaahaha. ;))) How are you? I been a busy girl this summer. Been thinking of you though. kissies for Gracie. You get a hug too. Just in case you might need one. Never know.

  3. Why aren't they made like this any more?

    Totally awesomely beautiful


  4. Photo five does it for me............ sigh..................

  5. So, so beautiful, they don't make them like this any more x

  6. Wow is this machine gorgeous, nice to know she is getting some love at your hands. xox


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