Monday, 21 November 2011

Cats always find the best places....

Georgie doesn't go out much now the weather is changing but she sits as close to the fire as possible the dogs don't get a look in.....I once had a poodle who used to sit so close to the fire that once or twice she started to smoulder !!.......


  1. Amazing how close they do get. Mr. Philo sucks up to the back of the wood stove and I always worry that he will singe. The tile wall we put in behind acts like a Swedish heater and is hot to touch, good thing there is cement board behind but Philo will lay against it and just bake! Are they smarter than us?????? Maybe. Cold here only 35F and very raw. xox Corrine

  2. ton chat se confonde avec tes matériaux , laine feutré...mignon!

  3. oooh,that looks cozy. What a cute little kitty. :0)

  4. I don't blame her it looks lovely and cosy!

  5. Yes it was cosy .....and georgie thought so too ...x

  6. ((i always knew cats were smarter than dogs!!)) haha!

    we had a cold spell a couple of weeks ago...and lit the fireplace...aaaaaah..but now it's a little warmer...c'mon COLD...come back!

    nice snuggle weather!

  7. Georgie has the right idea this weather, lol x


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