Sunday 7 November 2010

As old as the woods .........

Yes I AM as old as the woods ....he he ....xx


  1. Lorna, you only have to worry when you are as old as the hills!!!
    I'm deeply into Christmas doings here.Gee it's fun!

  2. Brilliant! :O)))))))))))))))) What a fun post!

  3. Hello, good to see you didn't get lost in the woods. Thought you might like to follow the link on my last post to DBO's work in Moscow for Beefeater Gin. Lots of photos of the event.

  4. Hilarious, Lorna. I like how you have Jim bridged between.
    Your little package went out today.
    xoxo Kim

  5. Awwh you are just a sapling.

  6. I love the photos, hope you got your little packet:0)x

  7. You are fabulous, dahling, and purple is your color! Lovely old trees. What are they doing with them? Your dogs are so cute.

  8. Thanks everyone for the comments..don't know what they'll do with the trees I guess they are off to the sawmill's a lovely beech wood which they are thinning out at the mo ....

  9. What a cute set of photos and yes, I am almost as old as the woods too, will be 55 in March! xox Corrine


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