Wednesday, 27 November 2013

DO NOT USE Woven Lampshades for lights ....

Ok just needed to explain my last post ...Don't worry Elfi I did NOT use the woven lampshades for lights but I attached them all together to make a sculpture based on the middle earth, the oceans, the land, the sky and the heavens....all woven by yr 2 ...well done everyone you did a splendid job ...:)


  1. Fun....but I bet you could use them with an led light of low wattage. They don't get hot. xox

  2. joli résultat... avoir un stock de divers tissus comme toi.. fabuleux !

  3. These look great! They would probably look fabulous with lights in them too but you are right, maybe not safe enough. What a great stash of weaving supplies you have! Love the colors.


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