Saturday, 6 April 2013

Have I died and gone to Kaffe's Heaven ...........

Been to Wales and happened upon this exhibition here .......I was in Kaffe Fassett HEAVEN ...more pics to follow....


  1. Mist have been truly amazing. I have always loved his work, talk about color!!!!!! You must have been gobsmacked as you would say. xox

  2. surement une très belle exposition à visiter..
    j'aime le 'coloriste' kaffee fassett!

  3. Totally and utterly fab - thanks for the link Lorna. Must take a long weekend in Lampeter.

    Surprising the exhibitions you end up in by accident. I went to the museum to look at pretty crocks and ended up gasping and swooning at a travelling exhibition of Leonardo's drawings.

    Muv x

  4. love kaffe fassett..gorgeous colours and textuers


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