Saturday, 2 June 2012

10 today ...can you believe it !!........

Ruby wanted a movie room for her birthday we made over her perch bed into 'RUBYWOOD' complete with flat screen DVD player she was delighted ........
Picnic on the green ..we were going to go to the zoo but Ruby wanted to go to the 'movies' instead so we just had an impromptu picnic outside our house ..........
She had a special message from her Idol Charlotte Campbell.......... Happy Birthday Ruby .......xx


  1. Ruby sounds like a girl with her own mind (and you wouldn't want it ANY other way, would you?). It all looks and sounds lovely (and I won't tell anyone why it's now raining....... honestly! ;O)

  2. Will you adopt me, wow, that's some special room. Happy Birthday Ruby. Looks like a very special sunny day in the UK, we are trading weather it seems. Enjoy. xox

  3. happy Birthday Ruby even though you don't know me.xx what an amazing bed! Also loved the music video.xxlynda

  4. Double figures hey Ruby...times flies....looks like a good day had by all....wonderful birthday song on youtube too.

  5. Happy Birthday to Ruby!!! what a great day...and i love her new movie room!! a girl can easily get lost up there, eh?!! great pictures and happy times!! xoxo


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